
Feta and Black Garlic Cheese Ball

Published April 26th, 2018 by ObisOne

A rather simple recipe with Greek flavors and a twist that guests may ask, “That’s different and very good! What the heck is in there?”


  • 3 ounces Feta cheese, crumbled
  • 12 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 1 ounce Obis One peeled black garlic cloves, or 1Obis One black garlic bulb, peeled and chopped fine
  • 2 tsp dried organic oregano
  • 2 tsp Obis One black garlic chili powder
  • 3 TBS your best olive oil

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well (any stand mixer works great). Form into a single ball, cover with plastic wrap and chill for two hours. Removed plastic wrap and garnish with any green herbs. Great served with garlic pita chips.

Chef’s Note: Small scoops of this recipe are a wonderful topping for warm lamb.

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